Monday, February 17, 2014

2013 - A Year in Review

2013, the tenth year of business for Mr. Pack Rat and our busiest year ever:

  • All by hand, we removed over 340,000 pounds (170 tons!) of cactus and other pack rat nest related debris to local "green" waste dumps. I know the amount because we pay by the ton.  Much of this material is later mulched and turned into compost.
  • We used over 3,000 square feet of hardware cloth and other metal screen to keep rats out of attics, garages, sheds, pool heaters, air conditioners, grills, spas and more.
  • We carefully removed and released a few dozen rattlesnakes, a handful of Gila Monsters, hundreds of squirrels, and a couple of skunks from pack rats nests in the performance of our work.
A few pictures from the year:

Some nests require special precautions - protective suit, goggles and mask!

In a metal cabinet

Classic pack rat nest in a car

Impressive nest in a grill!

Nest in the retractable pool cover

Under a tile roof

In an umbrella stand

A rare tiger rattlesnake

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Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. -Kris